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Frequently Asked Questions
Where do the spores come from that are in Cura Sporebiotics
Where do the spores come from that are in Cura Sporebiotics
The original sample of the specific spores were identified from a human donor, by Professor Simon Cutting at Royal Holloway University. London and were unique in the health benefits they generated.
They are initially taken from a human donor, then replicated and reproduced in a laboratory. Extensive testing is then done to ensure a precise DNA match so there is no doubt the final spores are the same, as those discovered by Professor Simon Cutting.
Can I take spores all the time
Can I take spores all the time
Yes. For maximum benefit we recommend taking 2x capsules every day. However, you still get gut and health benefits if you take one a day.
Why should I choose a spore-based probiotic over other probiotics like acidophilus / bifido
Why should I choose a spore-based probiotic over other probiotics like acidophilus / bifido
Cura Sporebiotics address gut diversity, inflammation, leaky gut and the gut barrier specifically. When you take a single strain, you are introducing one strain only, which may alleviate your current symptom, but unlike the spores in Cura Sporebiotics, won’t solve the long-term issue of a generally unhealthy microbiome.
Are they suitable for the whole family
Are they suitable for the whole family
Yes. For children under age 8 we recommend opening a capsule and sprinkling ¼ of it into something they enjoy, to make it easier to take.
How do they survive the stomach acid
How do they survive the stomach acid
Unlike typical live probiotics, spore-based Bacillus probiotics have a defensive coating that offers an extra layer of protection against the harsh climates, such as stomach acid, or extreme heat and cold. Once they find a safe environment, like the gut, they immediately activate and start producing health benefits
Are enzymes safe to take all the time
Are enzymes safe to take all the time
Yes. Supplemental enzymes help us to digest food. We recommend taking at least one with every meal, or two if that’s not sufficient. Enzymes will liquify your food in you stomach and gut, so that your body doesn’t have to work too hard to break down meals.
Some enzymes are measured in mg and others in units – what is the difference
Some enzymes are measured in mg and others in units – what is the difference
Digesting food is an activity, and so enzymes are internationally measured in their activity units.
You can think of activity units the same as horsepower for cars, or watts for lightbulbs.
Weight measurements such as mg amounts, tell you the weight of the enzyme content– not the power or potency of an enzyme.
I have a dairy intolerance will enzymes help
I have a dairy intolerance will enzymes help
Food intolerances arise when the body cannot digest (break down) a part of a food, and the molecule is left to create problems such as gas, watery stools, constipation and stomach cramps.
Each food molecule has a corresponding enzyme that can break it down. For dairy, the troublesome components are usually lactose or casein, while a range of other enzymes can breakdown other troublesome foods such as beans, pulses, gluten, and vegetables.
How do enzymes work in the body to aid digestion
How do enzymes work in the body to aid digestion
Enzymes are very specific in what they break down and will begin to activate once they are in the digestive system, to break down a food. Carbohydrate digesting enzymes will work on carbohydrates, protein digesting enzymes on proteins and fat digesting enzymes on fats. There are also enzymes for other food components such as gluten, fibres, and phenols.
When in the digestive system, enzymes will break down foods – like a blender, preventing foods from staying around for long enough to generate gas, wind, bloating and other digestive upsets.
I suffer from severe bloating can enzymes help
I suffer from severe bloating can enzymes help
Yes. Bloating is often caused by poor digestion. Poorly digested food will either draw lots of water into the bowels, leading to water retention or loose watery stools, or begin to ferment – leading to excessive gas which inflates the tummy, and causes cramps, pains, and constipation. When we add enzymes to meals, we are helping our digestive system liquify our meal better, making its journey through the digestive system smoother, with less opportunity for problems to occur.